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Results 585641-585650 of 589035 (Search time: 0.404 seconds).
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4-Dec-2024Studies on stabilization of expensive subgrade soils using industrial byproducts and rejectsPIDAKALA ANAND BABUB. VIJAYA SARADHI
4-Dec-2024Investigation of groundwater potential zones in part of hard rock areas of Eastern Ghat mobile belt Andhra Pradesh India using remote sensing and Geoelectrical surveysBAKURU ANANDAGAJAPATHI RAJUY. ISRAEL and M. SUBRAHMANYAM
4-Dec-2024Developing an AI Based Automated Detection System to Improvise Detection Rate of Polyps for Better Diagnosis Through ColonoscopyChaudhari Yogesh RameshJani Ashish
4-Dec-2024Mahila Netrtv ke ubharate pratimaan Chandauli janapad ke sakaldiha block par aadhaarit ek samaajashaastreey adhyayanYadav, PunamYadav, Sohan Ram
4-Dec-2024Synthesis and charavterization of related substances of selected active Pharmaceutical ingredientsSANTHOSH REDDY PINDIPAUL DOUGLAS SANASI and Dr. SUKUMAR NANDI
4-Dec-2024Effect of Oxygenated Additives on the Performance and Emissions Characteristics of a Diesel Engine Working with Jatropha Karanja Dual Blended BiodieselPadmanabha, H S AnanthaMohanty, Dilip Kumar
4-Dec-2024Feature Engineering for Telugu Sentiment Analysis A Study of Machine Learning and Deep Learning ModelsKannaiah, ChattuSumathi, D
4-Dec-2024Problems of muslim students pursuing higher education in doda district a case studyAssad, IrfanNaqi, Tabassum
4-Dec-2024Geographical Review of Academic Status of Colleges Affiliated to North Maharashtra University Jalgaon with Special reference to Arts Science and Commerce CollegesMahajan, M. S.Chavan, M. B. And Baride, M. V.
4-Dec-2024Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Convective Flowin Heated Square CavitiesParthiban SRamachandra Prasad V