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Title: Identification of secondary metabolities present in locally available medicinal plants and their activities
Researcher: Gajula, Santhosh Kumar Raja
Guide(s): Reddy, G Narender
Jayaveera K N
Keywords: Medicinal Plants
Upload Date: 5-Jul-2013
University: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapuram
Completed Date: 19/04/2012
Abstract: Natural herbal Plants are the major sources for various therapeutic agents in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases. The potency of herbal drugs against diseases is mainly due to the presence of different chemical constituents within them. Plants with flavonoids and related compounds (polyphenols) belong to the recently popular phytochemicals. Plants with these compounds possess various therapeutic properties, which includes antiviral, antiallergic, antiplatelet, antiestrogen, anticarcinogenic, antiproliferative, anti-oxidant and antianalgesic properties etc. newlineIn the present work, two different herbal plants Talinum cuneifolium Linn and Flemingia wightiana Graham ex Wt. and Arn belongs to the family Portulacaceae and Fabaceae of plant kingdom were under taken to test their potency as immunomodulators. Here Immunomodulation is determining their pharmacological and biological role in diseases treatment. Since there was no scientific evidence on the biological and pharmacological activities of Talinum cuneifolium extract, and there were no phytochemical studies on Talinum cuneifolium ethanol extract, we carried out the research on this extract. In addition, another plant Flemingia wightiana was selected for the research work. In this study, the potency of ethanolic extract of Talinum cuneifolium and Flemingia wightiana were tested against various disease parameters in experiments. The Preliminary phytochemical studies of EETC confirmed the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, steroids, carbohydrates, proteins and in EEFW demonstrated the presence of alkaloids, triterpenoids, flavonoids, tannins, steroids, carbohydrates and proteins. The microbiological studies of these extract were given significant results that, EETC and EEFW were effective against gram positive bacteria than gram negative group. The pharmacological studies of EETC and EEFW crude extract were revealed that these plants are potential therapeutic agents against various disease parameters such as anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities.
Pagination: 130p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Chemistry

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