Department of Rural Technology and Social Development : [10] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Upload Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
17-Sep-2024a study of gap in scientific knowledge and level of adoption regarding production processing and marketing of lac in korba district of chhattisgarh stateBHAGAT, NEELAMKumar, Dilip
22-Oct-2023Impact of Coal Mining on Landscape Dynamics and Forest Degradation using Geospatial TechniquesPandey, MayankMishra, Alka
24-Mar-2023Therapeutic influence of Resveratrol and Caffeic acid phenethyl ester along with micronutrients on resurgence of acrylamide induced hepatic and renal pathophysiologyShukla, PiyushNirala, Satendra
27-Dec-2022Healliing prospectiive of Justiiciia gendarussa and Curcuma caesia agaiinst combiined exposure to allcoholl and endotoxiin iinduced hepatiic and renall iinjjury iin ratsRaj KumarNiralla, Satendra Kumar
24-Dec-2022Remote Sensing Based Assessment Of Energy Resources Potential And Utilization Pattern In Rural Areas Of Magarlod Block Of Dhamtari District ChhattisgarhSahu, HemantSingh, Pushpraj
21-Dec-2022Ethnobotanical Studies Of Medicinal Plants In The Region Of Tribes Kota ChhattisgarhDixena, DurgeshPatel, Devendra Kumar
21-Dec-2022design and development of innovative greener botanical extraction for plant bioactives with a potential for industrial scale upSen, Kamal KumarMehta, Rajendra
3-May-2021Monitoring of Desertification in Janjgir Champa District of Chhattisgarh using Remote Sensing and GIS TechnologySoni PrasoonSingh Pushpraj
3-May-2021Process Design and Optimization of Technology for the Large Scale Extraction of Plant Based Phenolics and Nutraceuticals and their useKala Harneet KaurMehta Rajendra
11-Jun-2013Investigation on rare indigenous medicinal plants of some selected districts of ChhattisgarhTiwari, Anupam KumarMehta, Rajendra
Collection's Items (Sorted by Upload Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10