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Title: Planning for ecotourism in the hill region: a case study Pragpur, Himachal Pradesh
Researcher: Singh, Inderpal
Guide(s): Aggarwal, Sanjiv
Gupta, Jit Kumar
Keywords: ecotourism
Upload Date: 16-May-2013
University: Punjab Technical University
Completed Date: 2011
Abstract: Man, ever since creation took place, has been hit by the lust of the wander bug The goodness of nature provided man with the most pleasant and unique sources of enjoyment. Rivers, lakes, waterfalls, Sea beaches, Snow clad peaks, lush green farms and meadows are the natural treasures to be explored. The growth of technology, physical, socio economic and institutional forces is the main catalyst for the growth of activities relating to leisure, relaxation and recreation. Emergence of tourism as a major industry is one of the most remarkable changes that have taken place in the economic activity of the post world war era. Travel was a privilege of a few rich, affluent and adventurous people earlier. During the post independence era, particularly in the past two decades, travel has become a part of life. In the event of manifold increase in transportation facilities and over all development in various walks of life, people have become fond of travelling. Puranas declare Himachal as the Dev Bhoomi, Saints and Rishis too built their Ashrams here to offer numerous places of pilgrimages. Studded with snowy ranges, lush green forests, streams, verdant valleys, shimmering lakes, vibrant land of gods and goddesses, having ancient temples, rocky ravines, having sports like skiing, skating, mountaineering, trekking, golf, fishing, boating and hang gliding. Himachal Pradesh is a tourists paradise. The state is well known for its picturesque landscapes, scenic beauty and salubrious climate. Due to all these unique qualities, Himachal Pradesh is fast emerging as the tourists destination. The Himalayas can be considered as a tourism resource potential area. The Natural environment has been considered as a best Tourism resource for the Himalayas. This hilly region is well endowed with beauties and bounties of nature and culture product.Therefore whole of the Himalayas is a big attraction for both domestic and foreign tourists.
Pagination: xxii, 278p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Architecture

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