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Results 1-10 of 183 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
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1-Oct-2020Analytical study of business process outsourcing with special reference to service providers in Mumbai metro regionSontakke, Kaustubh ArvindShitole, G Y
1-Oct-2020A study of the effect of environmental education as perceived by student teachersEnos, SallyDeshmukh, Veena
1-Oct-2020Development of interest in chemical sciences through study of chemistry of so called miracles creation of useful literature and evaluation of its effectiveness in eradication of superstitionsGhoderao, Sudesh BKankariya, Rajendra D
8-Oct-2020Developement and try out of learning package for effective teaching of selective concepts in chemistryAhire, Bajirao BhilaKulkarni, Sureshchandra Govind
8-Oct-2020Development and tryout of a communication programme to create nutritional awareness among the children of 13_14 years of age groups _teens_Ambekar, Sudha SMondkar, S M
8-Oct-2020Development and try out of multimedia package in cell biology for higher secondary studentsMaheshwari, VandanaDeshmukh, Veena
8-Oct-2020Standardization of emotional intelligence inventory for school studentsNannar, Ramdas KisanRayate, S R
8-Oct-2020Use of model strategy in the effective teaching and better understanding of organic chemistry of R_X_ R_OH_ R_CO_R_ R_CHO_ R_COOH_ RCOOR and R_NH2 functional groups taught to science students of 12th standardGodase, Govind NilappaKankariya, Rajendra D
8-Oct-2020A study of effectiveness of integrated approach to architectural education through computer assisted learningShashank Ninawe, ARPandya, S R
8-Oct-2020Evaluation of graphic maps as a tool for learning and organizing the study materialHajirnis, VidyaJoshi, Arun