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Title: An assessment of the educational and vocational programmes of Juvenile and Observation Homes in correcting the behaviour of the juvenile delinquents
Researcher: Sreekala, K K
Guide(s): Pereira, Celine
Keywords: Educational Programmes
Vocational Programmes
Juvenile Delinquents
Juvenile Home
Observation Home
Upload Date: 27-Feb-2013
University: Mahatma Gandhi University
Completed Date: 2007
Abstract: The study aims to assess the Education and Vocational programmes of juvenile and observation homes in correcting the behaviour of juvenile delinquents. The sample comprised of 142 juvenile delinquents, principals, teachers and caretakers of five J/OHs such as Trivandrum, Kollam, Kozhikode, Kottayam and Trichur. Objectives and hypotheses were formulated and suitable statistical techniques such as percentages, test of significant difference between percentages, arithmetic mean, median, SD, skewness, kurtosis, anova, test of least significant difference, correlation, significance of r s and significant difference between two r s were computed. The tools used for the study were the Programme Inventory, Questionnaire, Juvenile Home Information Schedule, Juvenile Behaviour Checklist, Interviews, Observation and case study. The present-study is intended to highlight all the facilities given and the programmes provided in the juvenile and observation homes especially the educational and vocational programmes in correcting the behaviour of juvenile delinquent. Besides, the supplementary programmes related to recreation, health, and spiritual were also included with an objective to find out how these programmes affect the juvenile delinquents in a positive way. Hence the Investigator adopted normative method for the present investigation in which the survey is the technique used. Major conclusions and suggestions were given on the basis of the analysis of the data.
Pagination: 285p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Education

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