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dc.description.abstractEmpowerment of women is a holistic concept. It is multi-dimensional. In its approach and covers social, political, economic and social aspects. Of all these facets of women’s development, economic empowerment is of utmost significance in order to achieve a long-lasting and sustainable development of society. Self- Help Groups are the voluntary organizations which disburse micro credit to the members and facilitate them to enter into entrepreneurial activities. The Present study attempted to analyse the performance of women Self Help Groups and its socio economic impact on members as well as perception of members towards SHGs in Tirunelveli District. Primary data required for the study were collected from 190 group leaders (animators) and 570 members of the SHGs representing 19 blocks in Tirunelveli district during July 2008 to December 2008. The main objectives of the study are to trace the genesis and development of SHGs in Tirunelveli Distirct, to evaluate the performance of the sample SHGs in Tirunelveli District selected for the study, to anlayse the changes in the social conditions of the members of the self-help groups, to measure the impact of the SHGs on the economic condition of the members and to analyse the attitude of the members of the SHGs towards economic impact, social impact, psychological impact and political impact. Many hypotheses are framed to analyse the relationship between factors like tenure of existence, literacy level of the leader, size of membership of the groups and performance of SHGs; to analyse whether there is any significant difference in the social and economic conditions of the members before joining SHGs and afterwards; and to anlayse the relationship between the social factors and the attitude of the members towards economic, social, psychological and political impact. The collected data were analysed by applying the statistical tools like Mc Nemar test, Sign test, Kruskal Wallis test, Sen.’s poverty level index, Chi-Square test and Kolmogorov – Simirnov test. The review of performance of SHGs in Tirunelveli district reveals that there has been a commendable growth in respect of number of groups formed and women enrolled. The study found that the SHGs performing well in availing and repaying micro credit which had contributed to their socio economic empowerment and to better livelihood condition. It is found that the impact was relatively more pronounced on the social aspects than on the economic aspects. The study has found a remarkable change in the personality of women after joining the SHGs. To conclude, the SHGs have made an enduring impact on the lives of the women particularly in the rural areas of Tirunelveli district. Their quality of life has improved a lot. There is an increase in their income, savings and consumption expenditure. This shows an improvement in their standard of living. The women have gained self confidence. They got an opportunity to improve their hidden talents after joining the SHGs.en_US
dc.format.extentx, 250p.en_US
dc.titleA study on self help groups in Tirunelveli districten_US
dc.creator.researcherSubramanian, Sen_US
dc.description.noteBibliography p. i-vi, Appendix p. vii-xviien_US
dc.contributor.guideSoundrarajan, Aen_US
dc.contributor.guideJezer Jebasan, Men_US
dc.publisher.universityManonmaniam Sundaranar Universityen_US
dc.publisher.institutionDepartment of Commerceen_US, 2010en_US
Appears in Departments:Department of Commerce

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