Department of Law : [264] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Upload Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 264
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
13-Sep-2024Mental health and law in India problems and issuesSingh, AjayOmprabha
13-Sep-2024Access to medicine as a concomitant to right to health changing scenario in constitutional jurisprudenceAshaAnusuya yadav
8-Aug-2024Law relating to rape in India recent judicial trendsVijay PalSatya Pal Singh
7-Aug-2024Law relating to divorce in muslim law with special reference to meo CommunityKhan, Mohd. ImtiyajSatya Pal Singh
7-Aug-2024Law relating to defamation in India a study of legislative and judicial trendsRakesh Kumar
6-Aug-2024Constitutional Validity of Narco Analysis Polygraph and Brain Mapping Tests A Study With Special Reference to ConfessionAnil KumarSatya Pal Singh
6-Aug-2024Cruelty as a ground of divorce in India a study of legislative Provisions and judicial trendsKirar, DeepakSatya Pal Singh
22-May-2024Law Relating to Dowry Death in India A Critical StudyEzzaPratima Devi
22-May-2024Reservation in jobs on the basis of state domicile in India a critical studyPriyankaVirendra Sindhu
29-Apr-2024Alternative Dispute Resolution as a mode for Settlement of Disputes in India A Critical StudyGoyal, Rajinder PalJaswant Saini
20-Sep-2023Witness protection in criminal justice system in India a comparative studyDimpleSonu
19-Sep-2023Concept of religious liberty under constitution of India a critical studyYadav, PoojaPratima Devi
7-Jun-2023Compensation to victims of crime and Rehabilitative measures in India a study of legislative and judicial trendsKhan, AkramYogender Singh
7-Jun-2023Media trials in India a critical studySharma, MinakshiPratima Devi
20-Apr-2023A study of relationship between trade Related aspects of intellectual Property rights and bio diversity emerging issuesYadav, RahulYogender Singh
20-Apr-2023Free legal aid as an instrument of Social justice in India a critical studyHarikeshKailash Kumar
20-Apr-2023Death penalty vis à vis right to life in India A critical studyKaur, NarenderRratima Devi
20-Apr-2023Law relating to arrest remand and bail in India a study of judicial trendsSingh, JasbirJaswant Saini
20-Apr-2023Law relating to obscenity in India a critical studyAnkitVed Pal Singh
17-Dec-2022Law relating to plea bargaining in India UK and USA a comparative studyROhilla, SandeepSurender Singh
Collection's Items (Sorted by Upload Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 264