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Results 21-30 of 81 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).
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14-Oct-2016A profile analysis of need patterns across life spanJoshi, SonuSharma, Novrattan
14-Oct-2016A comparison of clinical personality patterns amongst HIV and AIDS patients adopting emotion focussed and problem focussed ways of copingRani, AshaBatra, Promila
14-Oct-2016A comparative study of relative effectiveness of different techniques of assertiveness training on students anxiety and self conceptKumar, JitenderGupta, Madhu
14-Oct-2016A critical study of the environmental awareness and its implications among the postgraduate students of the universities of HaryanaAnuradha, AnuradhaChadda, D K
14-Oct-2016A study of job satisfaction and contemporary values of secondary school teachers in relation to some demographic variablesBansal, Krishan KumarGupta, Madhu
14-Oct-2016A comparative study of the achievement in Science in relation to intelligence academic anxiety and reading interest of the X class students in government and private schools of HaryanaDhull, JitenderSangwan, Sushila
14-Oct-2016A study of the development of moral reasoning among adolescents in relation to certain personality and environmental variablesChoudhary, VipashaDhull, Indira
14-Oct-2016Performance of swarnjayanti gram swarozgar yojana a case study of Rohtak and Jhajjar districts HaryanaSingh, SamunderDahiya, Sewa Singh
18-Oct-2016A comparative study of rural and urban sportswomen in relation to attitude towards sports with special reference of HaryanaDevi, MukeshSharma, Santosh
14-Oct-2016A study of learning styles in concept attainment in relation to learners intelligence and self conceptAgrawal, Amit KumarGupta, Rainu