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Results 1-10 of 81 (Search time: 0.01 seconds).
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14-Oct-2016A comparative study of the effectiveness of gaming and mastery learning models on students self concept and achievement in teaching of ChemistryChaudhary, ParikshaHooda, R C
14-Oct-2016A study of the effect of training in classroom questioning behaviour of student teachers on teaching competence self concept and attitude towards teachingUpkar Hooda, KavitaYadav, P S
14-Oct-2016A comparative study of family climate school adjustment attitude towards education and academic achievement of general SC and BC students in HaryanaBhushan, LalitMudgal, B S
14-Oct-2016Effect of cooperative integrated reading composition CIRC technique on reading writing skills in English among seventh gradersJyoti, JyotiGupta, Madhu
14-Oct-2016Effect of information and communication technology ICT on the students achievement in Mathematics at secondary levelKumud, KumudSharma, Hemant Lata
14-Oct-2016Effectiveness of multimedia teaching programmes for teaching of EnglishMadan, MeenuSharma, Hemant Lata
17-Oct-2016Effectiveness of a multimedia learning package in educational Psychology for pre service teachersKumari, KiranSharma, Hemant Lata
30-Jan-2017Legal regulations of Panchayat lands in Haryana An empirical studyRam, BaruSheoran, C P
30-Jan-2017Effectiveness of comparative advertising and consumer reactionSingh, VirenderMittal, Sanjiv
18-Oct-2016A comparative study of height of center of gravity and anthropometric variables among male judo players withMehta, Shyam SunderSharma, Santosh