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Title: Laws and Policies Regulating Female Prostitution In India Challenges And Issues
Researcher: Salve, Amar S
Guide(s): Ukey, Keval
Keywords: Law
Social Sciences
Social Sciences General
University: Sandip University
Completed Date: 2024
Abstract: The regulation of female prostitution in India is a multifaceted and contentious issue that has far-reaching implications for the rights, health, and well-being of sex workers. This study examines the legal and policy framework governing female prostitution in India and explores the complex challenges and issues inherent to its implementation. Drawing from a comprehensive analysis of legislation and socio-cultural factors, it sheds light on the intricate web of challenges faced by sex workers, including the protection of their rights and access to healthcare. Furthermore, the research presents empirical insights from an Imperial Study Report, offering a nuanced perspective on the lived experiences of sex workers. The findings of this study underscore the urgent need for a revaluation of existing laws and policies, and it concludes with a set of recommendations aimed at improving the legal and social landscape surrounding female prostitution in India. newline
Pagination: 252
Appears in Departments:Law

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