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Title: Neural Network Model Compression for Edge AI Through Weight Approximation Exponent Sharing and Retraining
Researcher: Kashikar, Prachi
Guide(s): Sinha, Sharad
Keywords: Computer Science
Computer Science Artificial Intelligence
Engineering and Technology
University: Indian Institute of Technology Goa
Completed Date: 2024
Abstract: The rise of edge AI (Artificial Intelligence) applications has brought exciting possibilities for tasks like computer vision and natural language processing on resource-constrained devices. These devices, often with limited memory and battery power, struggle to run large traditional neural networks. To address this challenge, model compression techniques have become a major focus of research. Existing methods like quantization, weight sharing, and pruning can achieve significant size reduction, but often at the cost of some accuracy loss. This trade-o! between size and accuracy becomes a critical bottleneck for deploying these powerful models on edge devices. newline
Appears in Departments:School of Mathematics and Computer Science

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