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Title: Studies on removal of heavy metals lead and copper using adhatoda vasica addasaram and echinoid sea urchin spines as adsorbents
Keywords: Engineering
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Civil
University: Andhra University
Completed Date: 2024
Abstract: newline Water is a precious natural resource required for the sustenance of all living newlineorganisms on the earth. Even though water is abundant in nature covering two thirds of newlinethe earth s surface, fresh water fraction is minimal (3%) and less than 1% of the newlineavailable fresh water is utilized for human activities. Water pollution is the newlinecontamination of water sources including ponds, lakes, rivers, ground water and the newlineocean. 70% of India s surface water resources and many of its ground water reserves newlineare contaminated by a variety of toxic metals, metalloids and organic pollutants.
Pagination: 328 pgs
Appears in Departments:Department of Civil Engineering

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