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Title: Wound healing activity of Terminaliabellerica Roxb andgallic acid in experimentally induced diabetic rats
Researcher: Singh , Manish Pal
Guide(s): Sisodia,S S
Keywords: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Biology and Biochemistry
diabetic wounds
Excision wound model
Life Sciences
Wound healing
University: Bhupal Nobles University
Completed Date: 2019
Abstract: In present investigation indicated the wound healing efficacy of plant fruitextract and gallic acid in diabetic animals. Gallic acid was more effective in diabetic wound healing than plant fruit treated animals. Gallic acid and fruit extract, thus promoting wound healing directly as well as it may be promoting wound healing in diabetics by improving glycemic control. Beneficial effect of Terminaliabellericafruit extract may be due to presence of some phenolic components that have antioxidant effects. Results suggest that the compound present in the plant extract efficiently work on the diabetic wound healing. newline
Pagination: 250
Appears in Departments:Pharmacy

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