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Title: Comparative performance of maize and wheat based intercropping systems under natural and organic farming practices
Researcher: Raveena
Guide(s): Kumar, Rameshwar
Keywords: Agricultural Sciences
Life Sciences
University: Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: A field experiment entitled Comparative performance of maize and wheat based intercropping systems newlineunder natural and organic farming practices was carried out at the Zero Budget Natural Farm (ZBNF), newlineDepartment of Organic Agriculture and Natural Farming, CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, newlinePalampur, from kharif 2020 to rabi 2021-22 to study the effect of natural and organic farming practices on the newlineproductivity, soil health and economics of maize and wheat based cropping systems. Soil of the experimental site newlinewas silty clay loam in texture, acidic in reaction, high in organic carbon and medium in available nitrogen, newlinephosphorus and potassium. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three replications and newlinethirteen treatments viz.,T1 newline- Maize + Lobia - Wheat + Gram and jeevamrit spray at 14 days interval, T2 newline- Maize + newlineLobia - Wheat + Gram and jeevamrit spray at 21 days interval, T3 newline- Maize + Lobia Wheat + Gram and jeevamrit newlinespray at 28 days interval, T4 newline- Maize + Soybean - Wheat + Lentil and jeevamrit spray at 14 days interval, T5 newline- Maize newline+ Soybean - Wheat + Lentil and jeevamrit spray at 21 days interval, T6 newline- Maize + Soybean - Wheat + Lentil and newlinejeevamrit spray at 28 days interval, T7 newline- Maize (sole) - Wheat (sole) and jeevamrit spray at 14 days interval, T8 newline- newlineMaize (sole) - Wheat (sole) and jeevamrit spray at 21 days interval, T9 newline- Maize (sole) - Wheat (sole) and jeevamrit newlinespray at 28 days interval, T10- Maize + Lobia Wheat + Gram (Organic), T11- Maize + Soybean - Wheat + Lentil newline(Organic), T12- Maize sole - Wheat sole (Organic) and T13- Maize sole - Wheat sole (Absolute control). newlineSignificantly higher values of growth, yield attributes, grain and stover yield of maize were recorded under T1 newlineduring kharif 2020 and T4 during kharif 2021. Maize grain equivalent yield was significantly higher under T4 newlineduring both the seasons (2020 and 2021). In case of nutrient uptake, significantly higher nitrogen, phosphorus and newlinepotassium uptake by grain/seed, stover/straw as well as total
Appears in Departments:Department of Agronomy Forages and Grassland Management

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