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Title: Evaluation Of Different Hormonal Induction Protocols On Estrus Response Conception Rate And Haematobiochemical Profile In Anoestrous Graded Murrah Buffaloes Bubalus Bubalis
Guide(s): VENKATA NAIDU .G, SRINIVAS MANDA, Raghunath .M, Aswani Kumar .K
Keywords: Life Sciences
Plant and Animal Science
Veterinary Sciences disease in animals
University: Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: Treatment of sub-estrus and true anoestrous high yielding lactating graded newlineMurrah buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) using estrus and ovulation hormonal protocols, newlineDouble PGF2and#945;, Presynch-Ovsynch, Ovsynch and CIDR Ovsynch their influence on newlinefertility in farm and field during breeding and low breeding season was studied. newlineThe estrus response following hormonal treatment was 91.30, 85.71, 91.66 and newline92.85 per cent in DPG, POVS, OVS and COVS in farm where as in field it was 85.66, newline80.43, 80.95, and 86.84, respectively. The onset of estrus (hrs) following hormonal newlinetreatment was 52.0, 50.31, 51.31 and 48.20 in DPG, POVS, OVS and COVS, newlinerespectively in farm and 50.12, 51.63, 53.52 and 50.31 in DPG, POVS, OVS and newlineCOVS, respectively in field. newlinePeak estrus synchrony with incidence of estrus (63.63 to 81.81%) between 48 to newline72 hours following the treatment in all the groups was observed both under farm and newlinefield conditions. newlinePre ovulatory follicle (POF) diameter (mm) observed at the time of AI in DPG, newlinePOVS, OVS, COVS and control group buffaloes were 12.86, 14.15, 13.16, 11.58, 11.15 newlineand 11.45, 12.47, 11.75, 10.11, 10.15 in pregnant and non-pregnant buffaloes, newlinerespectively under farm conditions and 12.44, 14.21, 13.05, 11.32 and 11.65; 11.22, newline11.31, 10.92, 9.49 and 9.35 in pregnant and non-pregnant buffaloes, respectively under newlinefield conditions. newlineOvulatory response (%) observed on day 10 post AI in DPG, POVS, OVS, newlineCOVS and control group buffaloes were 56.21, 78.57, 75.00, 64.28 and 56.25, newlinerespectively in farm, while the same in field was 50.00, 65.21, 61.90, 47.36 and 37.77, newlinerespectively. newlineThe mean diameter (mm) of the corpus luteum (CL) was recorded on day 10 newlinepost AI in order to study the relationship of CL with pregnancy status in treated and newlinecontrol buffaloes. The conception rate in relation to CL diameter (mm) was highest in newlinePOVS (17.15 Vs 64.28%) followed with OVS (16.16 Vs 58.33%), COVS (15.97 Vs newline50.00%), DPG (15.95 Vs 50.00%) and control (14.65 Vs 43.75%) groups, respectively newlinein farm, while the conception rate with that of CL diamet
Appears in Departments:Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics

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