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Title: Histopathological Evaluation And Immunohistochemical Detection Of Certain Tumor Markers Of Canine Mammary Tumors
Keywords: Life Sciences
Plant and Animal Science
Veterinary Sciences disease in animals
University: Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: newlineThe present study was undertaken to know the occurrence of canine mammary newlinetumors (CMTs), to classify and study their gross and microscopic lesions, evaluate newlinedifferent tumor markers by IHC and to determine the variations of p53 gene in CMTs. newlineIn the present study, the animals with mammary tumors ranged from 1.5 to 14 newlineyears of age with highest occurrence in 9-10 years age group and noticed only in female newlinedogs. Highest occurrence of canine mammary tumors was recorded in non-descript dogs newlinefollowed by Spitz and German Shepherd breeds. The occurrence was highest in intact newlinebitches when compared to spayed dogs. Out of 72 cases, 47 cases had a single newlinemammary gland affected whereas 25 cases had tumors in multiple glands. The highest newlineoccurrence was recorded in the inguinal (50.49%), followed by caudal abdominal newline(33.98 %) glands. newlineMajority of the cases showed TNM stage III tumors (59.42%), followed by stage newlineII (21.74%), stage IV (8.7%), stage V (7.25%) and stage I tumors (2.90%). Overall, the newlinecytological diagnosis had 75% correlation to histopathological diagnosis. The cytologic newlinediagnosis correlated with the histologic diagnosis for benign and malignant tumors in 60 newlineand 79.59% of cases respectively. newlineGrossly, the size of the tumors ranged from 2 to 19 cm in greatest diameter with newlinedifferent shapes and consistencies. Sixty three cases (87.5%) had malignant tumors and newline9 cases (12.5%) showed benign tumors. Histologically, they were classified into 20 newlinemajor subtypes and among them, solid carcinoma had the highest frequency (20.6%), newlinefollowed by complex carcinoma (15.9%), intraductal papillary carcinoma (14.3%). In newlinethe present study, metastasis of CMTs to lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes and visceral newlineorgans was recorded in 13 cases (18.1%). Maximum number of carcinomas were of newlinegrade II (46.7%) followed by grade III (40%) and grade I category (13.3%). The mean newlineAgNOR number per cell ranged from 1.1 to 6.7 and was higher (4.58) in malignant newlinetumors than in benign tumors (1.4). newlineOf the 72 CMTs subjected to immunostaining of different tumor m
Appears in Departments:Veterinary Pathology

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