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Title: Behavioural Biometrics Of Murrah Buffalo Bubalus Bubalis During Pre Peri And Postpartum Periods Using Digital Video Recording System
Researcher: VARUN SINGH .T
Keywords: Life Sciences
Plant and Animal Science
Veterinary Sciences disease in animals
University: Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati
Completed Date: 2024
Abstract: The aim of the present research is to study the effect of pre and peripartum newlinebehaviour of buffaloes on their postpartum milk production, reproduction and the newlinegrowth performance of their calves. The research was conducted with 18 advanced newlinepregnant Murrah buffaloes at Buffalo Research Station (BRS), Sri Venkateswara newlineVeterinary University, Venkataramannagudem, West Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh newlineState. The buffaloes were divided in to three groups of six animals each based on their newlineparity i.e., 2nd (P2), 4th (P4) and 7th (P7) to study the behavioural, blood biochemical, newlineproduction and reproduction characteristics. The duration of data collection from each newlineanimal was started from 7 days before anticipated date of calving to 90 days postpartum. newlineCCTV cameras were installed in calving pen to study the behavioural newlinecharacteristics of dam and calf during prepartum and peripartum period. The precalving newlinebehaviour viz., eating time (ET), rumination time (RT), standing time (ST), newlinelying time (LT) and number of lying bouts (LB) was recorded to study its effect on newlineproduction performance during early lactation, while tail raising frequency (TR) for newlineonset of parturition. The peripartum behaviour in dam viz., grooming time and time of newlineapproaching calf, while in case of calf was first standing time, time of approaching dam, newlinefirst teat seeking time and first teat suckling time was recorded to understand the calf newlinedam bond. The blood biochemical profile in neonatal calves viz., total protein (TP), newlinealbumin (Alb), globulin, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and glucose (Glu) was studied newlineduring before first suckling, day 2, day 3 and day 4 of the calf age. During 90 days newlinepostpartum period, body weights were recorded in calves, whereas production and newlinereproductive performance was recorded in dams. newlineThe mean ET (min/ day) and LT (min/ day) was non-significantly low and mean newlineRT (min/ day) and ST (min/ day) was non- significantly high in P4 buffaloes followed newlineby P2 and P7 buffaloes. The mean number of LB and TR frequency (counts/ day) were newlinedecreasing
Appears in Departments:Livestock Production Management

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