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Title: Evaluation of the efficacy of snehapana oral route And matra basti rectal route with ksheera bala taila in The management of janu sandhi vata osteoarthritis of Knee a randomized control trial
Researcher: Dr.Pankajkumar Katara
Guide(s): Dr.Punam Sawarkar
Keywords: Clinical Pre Clinical and Health
Clinical Medicine
Primary Health Care
University: Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences
Completed Date: 2024
Abstract: 1 newlineAbstract: newlineBackground : newlineAyurveda is a discipline of life. In order to live a healthy and active life, people must newlinecomply with the following rules and regulations. Janu-Sandhigata Vata disease can newlinebe described as Sandhi (Joint) disease having features like Sandhishoola (joint pain), newlineSandhishotha (bone pain) and Prasaranakuncananayoh Savedana (persistent pain newlineduring movement of joints, etc.) and Hanti Sandhigatah (joint movement newlinerestriction).According to Acharya Charaka this disease as mentioned in samhita as newline Sandhigata-anila but did not include it among the eighty types of Vata Vyadhi newlineSnehapana (an oil taken orally) was given in this experiment. Snehapana can be newlineused at home without requiring medical intervention. Patients administer Snehapana newlinethemselves without visiting the OPD. Considering the above mentioned aspect of newlineSnehapana karma for the treatment of Janu Sandhigata Vata newlineAim and objectives: This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of Ksheera Bala Taila newlineSnehapana (oral method) and Matra Basti (rectal method) with Ksheera Bala Taila in newlinethe treatment of Janu Sandhigata Vata. and compare their effectiveness in both newlinegroups as well as on different types of Prakruti. newlineMethods: Ninty patients suffering with Janusandhigata Vata were randomly newlineassigned to Matra Basti with Ksheerabala Taila or Snehapana with Ksheerabala newlineTaila groups. Treatments were administered daily for 21 days in doses of 60 ml and newline20 ml, respectively. newlineResults: The Snehapana group shows significant results with an 48.01% improvement in newlineWOMAC Score. As compared to the Matra Basti group which shows a 47.42% improvement. newlineTherefore, it can be stated that Snehapana with Ksheerabala Taila demonstrated equally newlineclinical outcomes when compared to Matra Basti with Ksheerabala Taila , showing equally newlineefficacious as Matra Basti improvements in WOMAC scores. newlineInterpretation and Conclusions: Ksheerabala Taila Snehapana is as efficacious newlineas Ksheerabala Taila Matra Basti in managing Janu Sandhigata Vata. . While newlinestatistically equally effective clinically and Notabl
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Ayurved

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