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Title: To investigate leachate treatment potential Of fungus crude enzymes immobilized With metallic nanoparticles
Researcher: Vaidh, Sachin
Guide(s): Vishwakarma, Gajendrasingh
Keywords: Biology and Biochemistry
Life Sciences
Reproductive Biology
University: Institute of Advanced Research, Gandhinagar
Completed Date: 2024
Abstract: This research investigates the potential of using crude enzymes from the fungus Phanerochaete newlinechrysosporium, immobilized with metallic nanoparticles, for the treatment of landfill leachate. newlineThe study focuses on the synthesis and characterization of titanium dioxide (TiO2) newlinenanoparticles and their conjugation with fungal enzymes to enhance the degradation of leachate newlinecontaminants. Leachate samples were collected from the Pirana Solid Waste Management site newlinein Ahmedabad, Gujarat, and underwent comprehensive physicochemical characterization. The newlineTiO2 nanoparticles were synthesized using a sol-gel method and characterized by various newlinetechniques, including SEM, FTIR, and XRD, to confirm their morphology and structural newlineproperties. Enzymes extracted from P. chrysosporium were characterized and immobilized newlineonto the nanoparticles, forming nanoparticle-enzyme conjugates. The effectiveness of these newlineconjugates in treating leachate was evaluated through various parameters such as pH, total newlinedissolved solids (TDS), electrical conductivity (EC), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and newlineammonia nitrogen (NH3 N) levels. The results demonstrated a significant reduction in these newlineparameters, indicating the successful degradation of organic and inorganic pollutants. The newlinestudy also compared the efficacy of different conjugation polymers, including calcium alginate newlineand chitosan, in enhancing the stability and activity of the enzyme-nanoparticle conjugates. newlineImmobilized enzyme-nanoparticle (NpChBs) conjugates offer a promising approach for the newlinebioremediation of landfill leachate, providing an efficient and sustainable solution for newlinemitigating environmental pollution. Future research should focus on optimizing the synthesis newlineprocess and exploring the scalability of this method for industrial applications newline
Pagination: xiii; 133p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology

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