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dc.description.abstractThe study on enhancing the oral communicative competence of young ESL newlinelearners through a FliMF commenced with the assumption that the development of oral competence extends beyond the traditional instructional methods. The researcher proposes the framework that provides an input-rich environment through pre-class, inclass, and post-class sessions which ensure exposure and practice in enhancing oral communication skills. The research is carried out in three phases. The first phase focussed on the newlinedevelopment of the FliMF to enhance oral communicative competence through social interactive and tutor-learner autonomy-oriented instructional strategies. In thisframework construction phase, where a survey was administered among the ESL teachers in Ernakulam district. It employed a closed-ended questionnaire to weigh their perceptions and practices on innovative strategies to improve oral communication skills. The demographic factors such as gender and medium of instruction were considered in the survey. The survey helped to arrive at a comprehensive and accurate conclusion regarding factors generally applicable. It also improves the validity of the research. The statistical analysis of the survey underscores a significant difference between the practice and perception of ESL teachers regarding the role of social interaction and tutor-learner autonomy in developing listening and speaking skills (see Chapter 5, Table 5.22, 209). Specifically, the gaps for listening and speaking skills development are -0.86 and -1.10 for social interaction and -1.05 and -0.98 for tutor-learner autonomy, all significant at the 1% level. The result indicates a need for improvement in the current system. The survey analysis based on gender shows that no significant difference exists between male and female teachers in their perceptions and practices based on the variables of social interaction and tutor-learner autonomy in listening and speaking skill development (Table 5.23, 212)...
dc.format.extentxv, 380
dc.titleA Flipped Macrostrategic Framework for Enhancing Oral Communicative Competence of Young Learners A Study of Select ESL Classes of Ernakulam District Kerala
dc.creator.researcherShibina K M
dc.subject.keywordArts and Humanities
dc.subject.keywordLanguage and Linguisticsn
dc.contributor.guideBalakrishnan Kalamullathil
dc.publisher.universityAmrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University
dc.publisher.institutionDepartment of English Language and Literature
Appears in Departments:Department of English Language and Literature

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01_title.pdfAttached File115.07 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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03_certificate of plagiarism.pdf715.7 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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