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Title: Design of Efficient Hashing Algorithms to Enhance Information Network Security
Researcher: Mohd Sajid Mahammadi
Guide(s): Syed Khizer
Keywords: Computer Science
Computer Science Software Engineering
Engineering and Technology
University: Noida International University
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: newline Abstract newlinetransmitted and to believe in the integrity and authenticity of data, the hash function newlineplays a very important role. It is one of the fundamental tools in security algorithms. newlineSome studies show the security flaws in widely used hash functions. Thus it is the need newlineof the hour to have a hash function design in a new way to enhance the security and newlineauthenticity of data, in turn, network communication. In the proposed work we are newlinepresenting a new message digest scheme, based on an ASCII character and random newlinenumbers. The algorithm also uses a secretly designed character filter to generate the newlinefinal Hash key and also for simplicity and compatibility to adapt for all range of newlinelength that can be made to the desired length. Different hashing newlineperformances are evaluated by changing original message conditions. Statistical newlineproperty analyses, collision analyses, absolute difference, and uniqueness tests are newlinedone. Results of hashing performances show that the mean changed probabilities are newlinegreater than 50%, and the mean changed bit number is also about 1.5 times higher than newlinethe chaotic-based design. The proposed keyed hash function shows little collision newlineresistance. Comparing to MD5 it has a bigger mean value of absolute difference and newlineis faster than other complicated chaos-based methods. On this message digest different newlinecounter attacks, such as birthday attacks, are experimented and found that our newlinealgorithm withstands robustly against all kinds of possible attacks for data integrity, newlinesecurity, and authenticity. We also write new Image Hashing algorithm by the similar newlineway, that support secured image transmission and also performed detailed application newlineusing it.
Appears in Departments:Department of Computer Science and Engineering / IT

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