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dc.coverage.spatialStructural Engineering
dc.description.abstractThe technology is giving impetus to research driven towards new materials for more efficient and reliable construction. The present work titled Analysis of Behaviour of High Performance Slurry Infiltrated Fibrous Concrete in Anchorage Zone of Post Tensioned Prestressed Girders focuses on an extensive experimental program to develop and evaluate High Performance Slurry Infiltrated Fibrous Concrete (HPSIFCON) using steel fibers and slurry incorporating micro particles of silica fume, fly ash and alccofine. The high performance concrete has the desirable properties of early strength gain, high strength above 100MPa, substantial ductility and durability. Further, HPSIFCON based anchorage zone of post tensioned prestressed girders is evaluated for bursting and spalling stresses using detailed finite element analytical investigations. The study addresses the effect of concrete fiber content and anchor aspect ratio on the stresses. 6% fiber content and anchor aspect ratio of 0.5 have illustrated optimized stress reduction and ductile strain behaviour. The machine learning models developed has been used to determine the fiber content required for desired HPSIFCON strength, spalling and bursting stresses reduction in comparison to conventional concrete. The model correlated with the various anchorage zone structural parameters may be used for design of anchorage zone of post tensioned prestressed girders. The synergy between HPSIFCON and post-tensioning has been found to alleviate the problem of high stresses and reinforcement congestion in the anchorage zone offering an efficient, sustainable, durable and aesthetic solution for the specialized application area. newline
dc.format.extentxvi, 235p.
dc.titleAnalysis of behaviour of high performance slurry infiltrated fibrous concrete in anchorage zone of post tensioned prestressed girders
dc.creator.researcherGupta, Himmi
dc.subject.keywordAnchorage Zone
dc.subject.keywordExperimental and Analytical investigations
dc.subject.keywordHigh Performance Slurry Infiltrated Fibrous Concrete
dc.subject.keywordPost Tensioned Prestressed Girders
dc.subject.keywordStructural behaviour
dc.description.noteAnnexure 194-209p. Bibliography 210-235p.
dc.contributor.guideSharma, S.K. and Sharma, H.K.
dc.publisher.universityPanjab University
dc.publisher.institutionNational Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR)
Appears in Departments:National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR)

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