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Title: Bifacial Solar Photovoltaics Modelling Experimentation Potential Mapping and Thermal Integration Studies
Researcher: Joji Johnson
Guide(s): Manikandan, S
Keywords: Engineering
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Mechanical
University: SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Completed Date: 2024
Abstract: Bifacial photovoltaic technology is regarded as a promising and developing newlinephotovoltaic (PV) technology. However, this technology lacks reliable field data or newlineeffective models to project its advantages over conventional monofacial photovoltaic newlinetechnology. An accurate novel view factor-based model for bifacial PV plants was newlinedeveloped and experimentally validated. The effect of installation parameters on newlinebifacial PV performance was studied and optimised. Also, due to increased bifacial gain newlinefrom sky diffuse radiation, the bifacial PV power plant performs better on a cloudy day newlinethan a monofacial PV power plant. The study of the year-round performance of bifacial newlinePV in cities in five climatic zones in India shows that the bifacial PV power plant gives newlineimproved output year-round compared to the monofacial PV power plants. The newlinesimulation results show that an average bifacial gain above 20% is obtained year-round newlineat these locations, with a ground albedo taken as 30%. An economic analysis shows that newlinefinancial performance indicators like Levelized cost of energy (LCOE), Net Present newlineValue (NPV), Discounted payback period, and Internal rate of return (IRR) give better newlinefinancial gains for bifacial power plants than monofacial PV power plants in all the newlineIndian climatic zones newline
Appears in Departments:Department of Mechanical Engineering

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