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Title: Water Wave Interaction By A Vertical Hollow Cylinder In A Two Layer Fluid Of Finite Depth
Researcher: Lham Tashi
Guide(s): Dr. Mohammad Hassan
Keywords: Mathematics
Mathematics Applied
Physical Sciences
University: North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology (NERIST)
Completed Date: 2024
Abstract: Several researchers have conducted studies on water waves by employing linear water wave newline theory and taking into account vertical solid cylindrical structure in a two-layer fluid. But, a newline hollow cylindrical structure captures most vital components of oscillating water column (OWC), newline which is one type of energy device. Thus, many noteworthy studies have been done to solve the newline diffraction and radiation of water waves by considering hollow cylindrical structure in a single newline layer fluid. However, it has been observed that no work has been done on a hollow cylindrical newline structure considered in a two-layer fluid system. Therefore, the main purpose of this thesis is newline to study the hydrodynamic coefficients and wave loads resulting from a vertical hollow cylinder newline in a two-layer fluid. For a two-layer fluid, the main difference with a single-layer fluid is that in newline a two-layer fluid, the wave propagates in two wave numbers, and#958;1 and and#958;2 for a given frequency, as newline compared to only one wave number, and#958;, in a single-layer fluid system. This system, consisting of newline a hollow vertical cylinder floating in a two-layer fluid, is considered as an Oscillating Water newline Column (OWC), a wave energy device. newline Throughout our thesis, we assume that the fluid is incompressible, inviscid, irrotaional, and newline homogeneous at each depth. Also, we take the bottom of the two-layer fluid as flat and newline impermeable. We divide the problem of wave interaction with vertical hollow cylinder in two newline parts: first part describe the diffraction of wave interacting with a fixed body and the second newline part deals with the radiation of water waves when it interact with small oscillating body. The newline radiation problem is further divided into surge, sway and roll problems. The mathematical newline modelling of the physical problem representing diffraction and radiation is reduced to a boundary newline value problem with Laplace s equation as the governing equation. We divide the whole fluid newline region into two physical region, namely and#8486;1 and and#8486;2.
Appears in Departments:Department of Mathematics

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