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Title: An experimental study on strength and durability properties of self compacting and self curing concrete using light weight aggregates
Researcher: Syed Abdhaheer, K
Guide(s): Elangovan, G
Keywords: construction material
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Civil
external consolidation techniques
Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC)
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) has emerged as a revolutionary newlineconstruction material renowned for its exceptional flow and self-compacting newlineproperties, eliminating the need for external consolidation techniques. In newlinepursuit of sustainable and efficient construction solutions, the integration of newlinealternative aggregates, such as fly ash and expanded clay, to replace newlinetraditional coarse aggregates has garnered significant attention. This unique newlineamalgamation not only harnesses the benefits of SCC but also contributes to a newlinemore environmentally conscious and economically viable construction newlineparadigm. newlineFly ash, an abundant byproduct of coal-fired power plants, has gained newlineprominence as a sustainable cementitious material. In the context of SCC, newlineincorporating fly ash as a partial replacement for cement fosters numerous newlineadvantages. This includes improved workability, enriched durability, and newlinereduced heat generation during curing. Notably, fly ash augments the newlinecohesion and consistency of SCC, enhancing its self-compacting properties newlineand leading to efficient placement. newlineConcurrently, the inclusion of expanded clay aggregates as a newlinereplacement for traditional coarse aggregates introduces a new dimension to newlineconcrete formulation. These lightweight aggregates, generated through the newlineexpansion of natural clay at high temperatures, bring forth qualities such as newlinereduced density, elevated strength, and commendable insulation attributes. newlineWhen amalgamated with SCC, these aggregates lead to a composite that newlineexhibits reduced weight, superior thermal insulation, and heightened newlinestructural performance. newline
Pagination: xviii,147p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Civil Engineering

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