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Title: Cyber Security and Security of Data in Internet of Things IOT
Researcher: Kumar, Aman
Guide(s): Pandit, Anil and Singh, Sumanjeet
Keywords: Computer Science
Computer Science Interdisciplinary Applications
Engineering and Technology
Internet of Things, Cyber Attacks, Device Authentication, Image Processing
University: GNA University
Completed Date: 2024
Abstract: Devices Authentication may help to increase IoT security. When it comes to real-time IoT device authentication, this is a challenging task. As a means of protecting against security threats, Physical Unclonable Functions (PUF) may be used as a low-cost primitive for producing and negotiating secure keys. For IoT, comprehensive information security approaches must consider network attack trends in dynamic and complex cyberspace.To stay up with the growing Internet of Things, IoT Security is needed. Since there is so many IoT security flaws, targeted attacks are becoming more commonplace. Taxonomy for frequent attacks on IoT assets based on a study of work in the particular field of IoT security is created. It is possible to identify the most effective defense against such attacks by categorizing them. newlineWe have employed the experimental research in the present study. A model has been designed using Huffman compression and canny edge detection mechanism for images captured using Live Camera in the research. The security of the designed model has been tested using simulation in MATLAB with the live data in respect to various attacks named man-in-middle, brute force, denial of service, SQL injection and attack by malicious insider. The designed model is yielding better results in terms of lesser space consumption and time consumption, having less error rates and lesser loss of data in terms of various aforesaid attacks. newline
Pagination: i-xxiv, 174
Appears in Departments:Department of Computer Science

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