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Title: Efficacy of Public Health Care System in India in the Promotion of Right to Health A Case Study of Visakhapatnam City
Researcher: Matam Siva Linga Murthy
Guide(s): Sumitra S
Keywords: Law
Social Sciences
Social Sciences General
University: Andhra University
Completed Date: 2024
Abstract: Health is an inherent and essential human right. Intrinsic to health being a newlinefundamental human right dignity for all individuals in India as in many countries. newlineHealth being a fundamental human right includes ensuring access to adequate, newlineequitable healthcare services and in support of social justice as a human right. This newlinethesis presents a comprehensive examination of the public healthcare system in India, newlinewith a specific focus on the city of Visakhapatnam. It seeks to assess the extent to newlinewhich the system promotes and upholds the right to health as recognised in newlineinternational conventions and the Indian Constitution. newlineThe study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining structured newlineinterviews and surveys with healthcare professionals, patients and government newlineofficials. It also includes an analysis of relevant policies and schemes, infrastructure, newlinestaffing, policy implementation, and patient care. The primary objectives are to newlineunderstand the challenges facing by the public healthcare system evaluate the impact newlineof healthcare privatization on human rights and assess the efficacy of government newlinehealthcare schemes. newlineKey findings reveal a mixed landscape. While significant progress has been newlinemade in improving geographical accessibility to healthcare facilities, challenges in newlineinfrastructure adequacy, waiting times and transportation persist, the quality of care newlineprovided by the public system varies with long waiting times and uneven access to newlineessential medical equipment and supplies. Privatization of healthcare services while newlineincreasing access for some has raised concerns about affordability and equitable newlineaccess, necessitating careful regulation. newlineChallenges within the public healthcare system include policy limitations, newlineimplementation hurdles, and variations in service quality. Stakeholder perspectives newlineemphasize the need for reform and greater patient-centeredness. Government newlinehealthcare schemes have made strides in promoting accessibility and affordability but newlinerequire ongoing evaluation and refinement.
Pagination: 409 Pg
Appears in Departments:Department of Law

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