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Title: Development of Two Input Trans Z Source Inverter for Electric Vehicle Application
Researcher: Bharat, Manish
Guide(s): Murthy, A S R
Keywords: Engineering
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Electrical and Electronic
University: Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: The increase in the demand for clean and green energy due to the increase in the population newlinehas dragged the attention of many power engineers throughout the globe. From the energy newlineeconomics statistical analysis 2023, out of the total energy produced throughout the globe, newline40% of the energy in-terms of petroleum products is required for transportation purposes. newlineIt is worth while to note that India is the second largest consumer of transportation system newlinehaving a net GDP of 71% for biofuels. In a drive to reduce the net energy consumption newlinerelated to the fossil fuels , the present government is encouraging the application of Electric newlineVehicle (EV) in transportation system. Generally, EV consumes less energy and thereby newlinemaking a sustainable environment. newlineThe EV basically consists of BLDC motors, drive train, battery banks and newlinepower electronics circuits to convert AC power to suitable DC power and storing the same newlineinside the battery. The battery upon its full charge is able to provide sufficient amount of newlinepower through the drive train arrangement to the BLDC motor. The discharging pattern of newlinethe battery sometimes creates the stress on the inverter circuit basically on the switches newline(IGBT, MOSFET). The high discharge rate of the battery definitely brings down the battery newlinecycle operation , thereby effecting the battery life. newlineThe Z source inverter basically consisting of two inductors connected in newlineanti-parallel to each other through a capacitor can bring down the dead short circuit newlinesituation which is very common in EV related application. newlineHarmonics plays an important role in motor operation particularly in induction newlinemotor drive system in EV related application. The increase in harmonics increases the newlinelogging force between interpoles and poles of the rotor leading to a magnetic interlocking newlineand also increases the hysteresis loss in both stator and rotor. Secondly the increase in newlinevi newlineharmonics also increases the temperature of the winding, leading to thermal hotspot and newlinesubsequent burnout , leading to permanent damage of winding
Pagination: 131
Appears in Departments:Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

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