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Title: Investigations on Improvement in Productivity by applying effective mapping configuration in mechanical industries with the help in Fuzzy QFD
Researcher: Rawal, Ramesh Kumar
Guide(s): Maheshwarkar, Pallavi
Keywords: Engineering
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Mechanical
Value Stream Mapping
University: Oriental University
Completed Date: 2024
Abstract: The organizations across the globalization have faced stiff cut - throat competition in newlinethe last three decades, the Indian industry too could not escape of globalization. newlineToday s global economy, the survival of companies depends on their ability to rapidly newlineinnovate and continues improvement. As result they are leader in market and they are newlineincreasingly searching new methods and processes that drive improvementsin quality of newlineproduct, reduce the cost of manufacturing and increasing productivity. In today s fast newlinechanging market place, customer segment, customer requirement are steady and newlineimprovements in manufacturing operations with the help of modern tools, techniques and newlinetechnology will guarantee of the profitability or survival in market. Companies must newlineimprovement at a faster rate than their competitors so they are to become leaders in newlineproduction. newlineProductivity is an indicator of how well an organization is utilizing its resources.. newlineVirtually productivity is measured as ratio of output units and input units. To increase newlineproductivity, organizations need to make this ratio as large as practical. Productivity newlineimprovement is considered as one of the prominent requirements of industries, and one of newlinethe most discussed topics, since its inceptions, and even today, many researchers and newlineindustrialists work continuously in this field. Considering these aspects, the present newlineresearch work is based on the investigations on the enhancement of productivity of a newlinesystem using value stream mapping and quality function deployment. The technique of newlinevalue stream mapping is used to maximize value and minimize waste in a number of newlinedifferent ways, whereas quality function of deployment is used to convert customer newlinerequirements to the product specifications. For this purpose, two mechanical industries newlinehave been targeted. newlineLeanness performance measures after future state map (Case I) in order to quantify newlinethe improvements from the perspective of leanness, the value of the parameters before newlineand after implementation of VSM are presented as follows; Non value added time has newlinebeen reduced from 19 days to 8 days .Total cycle time has been reduced from 10 days newlineto 6 days and total man power has been reduced from 15 to 07 and work in process newlineinventory between work stations has been reduced from 1100 units to 950 units. and newlineon time delivery got increased from 75% to 85% . Product defect rate has been newlinereduced from 10% to 3%. . and up time has been increased realistically by 2% . The newlineabove result shows that, there is a significant improvement in leanness after newlineimplementing future state map. newline
Pagination: 145
Appears in Departments:Mechanical Engineering

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