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Title: A cross sectional study of mcm2 gene expression insulin like growth factor binding protein 3 IGFBP 3 and serum malondialdehyde MDA lipid peroxidation in oral leukoplakia and oral squamous cell carcinoma
Researcher: Ahire M S
Guide(s): Tupkari J V
Keywords: Clinical Medicine
Clinical Pre Clinical and Health
Critical Care Medicine
Cross section fluctuations (Nuclear physics)
University: Maharashtra University of Health Sciences
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies benign, malignant tumors, in situ and newlineneoplasms of unspecified origin as neoplasms, which are unusual and uncoordinated newlinetissue growths [1]. Cancer is a life-threatening tumor that causes unique cell newlinedevelopment and division, leading to multiplication of cells and its ability of infiltrating newlineto various regions. [2,3] Dysplasia relates to abnormal tissue structure due to extreme newlinemultiplication of cells, which, if left untreated, will almost certainly result in malignant newlinetransformation [4]. newlineHead and neck cancer is amongst ten leading cancers globally, affecting more newlinethan 1.5 million people each year [5]. In some countries, the incidence of oral newlinesquamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) has reduced; nevertheless, South Asian countries newlinesuch as India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, China, and Taiwan continue having high incidence newlineof OSCC [6]. Oral carcinogenesis is a procedure involving multiple stages of newlineprecancerous lesions and metastasis all at the same time. The loss of regulatory newlinesystems that assure tissue function is due to degradation of cellular cycle and newlinemultiplication of malignant cells. Because of the possibility of early detection and newlinetreatment, oral cancer is considered a preventable disease newline
Pagination: 227, 7
Appears in Departments:Dentistry

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