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Title: Secure and Fault Tolerant Distributed Data Management In Fog Based IOT
Researcher: JALASRI M
Guide(s): Lakshmanan M
Keywords: Automation and Control Systems
Computer Science
Engineering and Technology
University: Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: In recent times, the Internet of Things (IoT) placed a vital role in newlinevarious applications because various devices are connected to make newlinecommunication effective. Cloud computing is used to process and newlinecompute the data, but certain approaches are needed near edge devices newlinedue to latency, bandwidth, and storage limitations. A fog computing newlineservice extends some of the capabilities of cloud computing to end newlineusers. Fog Computing (FC) offers end-users computational, storage, and newlinenetwork resources within the IoT. Using fog-IoT devices, specialised newlinecomputations, latency, and storage can be performed across the internet newlinebackbone. Managing data between fog servers and fog nodes as well as newlinebetween fog nodes and users presents a number of issues for fog-IoT newlinecomputing, including intermediary threats, data privacy, confidentiality, newlineauthentication, integrity, and energy consumption. The major objective newlineof this study is to integrate several methodologies in order to improve newlinethe security and fault tolerance performance of Fog-IoT systems. The newlineproposed research is explained with four subsequent proposed chapters. newlineClustering algorithm is introduced namely Low Energy Adaptive newlineClustering Hierarch (LEACH) with Dijkstra s algorithm. First, power newlineprobabilistic criteria are applied to determine the cluster heads, and then newlinevi newlinea clustering procedure is enacted in order to transmit data in fog newlinesystems. newlineCode-Based Encryption (CBE) has been proposed for security newlineand managing data transmission. The Code-based encryption newlinetechnique is used to achieve a data security challenges like data integrity newlineand authentication while transmission. newlineFog Computing Based Fault Tolerance Clustering Protocol newline(FC-FTCP) has been proposed to ensure a decentralized computing newlinestructure for managing the data in various logical locations. FC-FTCP newlineoffers multiple services and cloud-related solutions to the decentralized newlinenetwork s security problems. It is used to reduce intermediate attack. newlineFinally, Data Security Management Model (DSMM) has been newlineproposed for a fog based heal
Pagination: vii, 203

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