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Title: Computational and Experimental Investigation of Magnetic Nanoparticle Based Hyperthermia
Researcher: Sandeep
Guide(s): Kumar, Neeraj and Avti, Pramod Kumar
Keywords: Engineering
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Mechanical
Thermal dosimetry
University: Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology
Completed Date: 2024
Abstract: Magnetic hyperthermia cancer treatment, uses magnetic nano-particles as heating source. In this magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia (MNPH), heat is generated locally through nanoparticles induced to the targeted tissue (tumor tissue) under the influence of external magnetic field. This hyperthermia applicator has higher spatial contol of heat generation thus targeted damage could be induced to tumor tissue while minimizing the thermal damage to the neighboring healthy tissue. However, this novel therapy has some limitations and challenges in its practical implementation. These challenges are in the form of magnetic nanoparticle (MNP) heating power enhancement, regulating their dose and distribution, achieving spatial control of tumor temperature by multisite injections, and ensuring the safe infusion of particles. The present study aims to address these challenges and limitations to make magnetic hyperthermia applicable to the future cancer treatment therapy. The important parameters for efficient heating in MNPH are the MNP s properties, size, materials, and externally applied magnetic field parameters (amplitude and frequency). A numerical investigation is done to analyze the effects of these parameters on heat generation for three nanoparticle systems (CoFe2O4, Fe3O4, and MnFe2O4). The quantification of specific loss power (SLP) or heat generation of different nanoparticle systems, which is influenced by their size-dependent magnetization (M_S) and the anisotropy energy has been done. Correlations for magnetization (M_S) and the anisotropy energy based on the previously reported experimental data have been established. These correlations are introduced into the Rosensweig model of induction heating for considered MNP systems. The comparisons show that SLP estimation using MNP size-dependent saturation magnetization and#12310;(Mand#12311;_S) are much closer to the experimentally reported values of SLP for all three MNP systems in comparison to SLP estimated by fixed values of saturation magnetization on and#12310;(Mand#12311;_S) and anisotropy
Pagination: xviii, 120p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Mechanical Engineering

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