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Title: Understanding the Role of Emotion as an Intangible Factor in Differentiating Visual Communication
Researcher: Angley, Hemang
Guide(s): Desai, Avani
Keywords: Emotion
Intangible Factor
Visual Communication
University: GLS University
Completed Date: 2024
Abstract: It was challenging to work on the research topic and#8213;The role of emotion as an intangible newlinefactor in differentiating visual communication.and#8214; Based on findings in case study this newlinestudy would draw attention on the creation of two models. newlineA large number of previous works carried out in this area were reviewed and it came newlineout that lot of research material in terms of research paper and literature such as books newlinehave been worked upon in this area. But that was very less in the empirical Indian newlinecontext. newlineThe work of three case studies brings out many incidences which suggest that how newlineemotion as an intangible factor is used for enhancing visual communication. newlineIn case of Lopez Design, Ayushyaman Bharat and Leprosey Campaign in Bihar both newlinethe projects entirely had different set of challenges. In Ayushyaman Bharat, it was to newlinedeal with the people accepting to the new age medicines. Where else on the other newlinehand Leprosey Poster campaign was to create trust in people through spreading newlineawareness of medication for the disease. newlineThe approach taken to communicate in both campaign was different but both were in newlinethe end catering to emotional impact as it increases trust value. Patterns were created newlinetaking the inspiration from the regional arts and craft. The local person and#8213;Rajuand#8214; who newlinehas contacts with the community paints the walls of health center. People from the newlinecommunity see him painting and they talk about the different facilities which the newlinehealth center will host for the people. This makes an emotional connect for the people newlineand they start creating the sense of ownership with the health center newline
Appears in Departments:Department of Design

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