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dc.description.abstractAnalysis and Simulation of Fluidised Bed Drying of Soybeans newlineKunwar Sandip newline newline newlineABSTRACT newline newline newlineFluidised bed drying plays a crucial role in the grain-drying system throughout the year. During the harvest season, various grains often contain excess moisture, exceeding the safe storage threshold. Soybean contains about 25 to 33% moisture at the time of harvest, and for safe storage, the moisture should be reduced to about 12 to 14%. Fluidised bed dryers play a vital role in eliminating this surplus moisture, mitigating the risk of spoilage and grain wastage. Traditional industrial dryers can be prohibitively expensive and challenging to maintain. Consequently, this study represents a stride towards creating an experimental setup for fluidised bed drying. The aim is to identify crucial parameters for the grain processing industry. The effectiveness of dryers hinges largely on the design parameters of the drying chamber, where grains and hot air are combined. Optimal mixing of grains and hot air is essential for producing high-quality grains. newlineThe analysis of heat and mass transfer in the fluidised bed drying process of soybean grains is significantly influenced by inlet hot air temperature, inlet hot air velocity, fluidized bed length, mass flow rate of soybean, and number of holes in the perforated plate. Key performance indicators for the dryer include drying time, moisture content reduction, and the outlet temperature of soybeans. This study introduces an analytical and simulation approach to assess the thermal and hygroscopic properties of soybeans at the outlet. Parameters such as total drying time, outlet moisture content, and outlet temperature of soybeans are among the focal points of this evaluation. newlineThe mathematical model provided in this context offers insights into the appropriate dimensions for a dryer chamber (length 0.41 m, width 0.084 m and height 0.27 m). It indicates that the drying rate of soybean grains tends to decrease over time, with the highest rate observed at the initial stages of drying. The experi
dc.titleAnalysis and simulation of fluidised bed drying of soybeans
dc.creator.researcherKUNWAR SANDIP
dc.subject.keywordEngineering and Technology
dc.subject.keywordEngineering Mechanical
dc.contributor.guideH. K. PALIWAL, AJAY KUMAR SHARMA
dc.publisher.universityDr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University
dc.publisher.institutiondean PG Studies and Research
Appears in Departments:dean PG Studies and Research

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