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Title: Financial performance analysis an empirical study of the sbi group
Researcher: Bepari, Ripon
Guide(s): Sarkar, Subhas Chandra
Keywords: Business
Economics and Business
Social Sciences
University: University of Kalyani
Completed Date: 2022
Abstract: The growth and development of a nation is largely dependent on the growth and newlinedevelopment of banking sector. In reality, banking sector is the life blood of an newlineeconomy of a country. Therefore, development of a country is directly related newlinewith the advancement of the banking system. Since liberalisation there were newlinedynamic changes that have taken place in the banking sector and the system as newlinewell not only in India but also across the world. The role of banking sector is newlinepositively correlated and interrelated with the economic development of any newlinecountry. Since liberalisation, the Indian banking sector went through a major newlinetransformation. Private sector banks have grown at a faster pace than public newlinesector banks; and have been playing an important role in the development of newlineIndian economy. newline
Pagination: xviii,179
Appears in Departments:Commerce

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