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dc.description.abstractnewlineBig Data Analytics helps enterprises connect their data and utilize it to find new opportunities. That, in turn, points to smarter business moves, more efficient work, increased profits and satisfied customers. Businesses that make use of Big Data with innovative analytics get value in various ways. The aim of this research work is to highlight the Big Data concept, and find innovative methods of implementing Big Data Analytics using advanced techniques. newlineData analysis provides meaning to the huge data collected from different sources. Without Data Analytics, which includes inspecting the data to find patterns, correlations, and trends, the data is just a group of ones and zeros with restricted business use. By implementing analytics to Big Data, business organizations can see benefits such as better customer service, increased efficiency, bigger sales, and a complete increase in competitiveness. Data Analytics includes evaluating data sets to get insights or making decisions about what they have, such as predicting future and changing trends. Big Data technology includes a rising scale of data that can be stored and examined with the help of technologies like machine learning or artificial intelligence techniques to retrieve hidden knowledge from data. There are many significance of Big Data Analysis, such as discovering subtle patterns that cannot be found with small-scale data. Big Data Analytics business to have a more insightful knowledge of their business in order to achieve better innovation, improved productivity, and tougher competitive supremacy. Along with these, the manufacturing field makes use of Big Data to disclose usage patterns, failure rates, and to get an idea about product enhancement. This research work uses Big Data Analytics to identify hidden knowledge that can help the Online Food Marketing industry to get benefits. newline
dc.titleDesign And Analysis Of Efficient Knowledge Discovery Approaches For Online Food Marketing System Using Mapreduce Technologies
dc.creator.researcherPrajna Hegde
dc.subject.keywordComputer Science
dc.subject.keywordComputer Science Theory and Methods
dc.subject.keywordEngineering and Technology
dc.contributor.guidePrashant Bhat
dc.publisher.universityGarden City University
dc.publisher.institutionDepartment of Computer Science
Appears in Departments:Department of Computer Science

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04_abstract.pdf9.64 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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