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Title: Spray based film forming systems for topical antifungal and anti bacterial agents
Researcher: Parab, Akkshata B.
Guide(s): Mehta, Dharmik M.
Keywords: Clinical Pre Clinical and Health
controlled release
film forming solutions
Pharmacology and Pharmacy
Pharmacology and Toxicology
University: RK University
Completed Date: 2024
Abstract: quotBackground: Conventional dosage forms for topical administration of drugs have certain disadvantages like poor adherence to skin, poor permeability and compromised patient compliance. Topical film forming systems are such developing drug delivery systems meant for topical application to the skin, which adhere to the body, forming a thin film and provide delivery of the active substances to the body tissue for longer span. newlineAim: The objective of the present research work is to formulate and evaluate spray-based film forming systems for fungal and bacterial infections. newlineMaterials and Methods: The formulation was prepared by addition of film-forming polymers to the solvent system followed by addition of plasticizer and drug. Two different Film forming spray solutions were prepared of Clotrimazole and Mupirocin calcium along with ethyl cellulose and eudragit RS 100 as film formers, PEG 5000 and PEG 4000 as plasticizer and ethanol, acetone as the solvent mixture. Optimization was done by 32 factorial design using Design expert 13 software. The optimized formulations were evaluated for various parameters like viscosity, film formation time, spray angle, drug release, anti-microbial activity, pH, water washability and skin irritation studies. newlineResults: Optimized batches were formulated using 2.5 % of eudragit RS 100 and ethyl cellulose as film forming polymers and 0.5 % of PEG 5000, PEG 4000 as plasticizers for Film Forming Systems with drug concentration of 1 % of Clotrimazole and 2 % of Mupirocin Calcium. Optimized formulation showed pH between 5.5 5.7 and viscosity of 35 43 cps. It was converted into homogeneous film upon spraying within 10 - 15 seconds. The film was able to spread uniformly upon 2 3 actuations on the required area and is washable with water upon slight rubbing. Both the FFS showed good anti-microbial activity. No edema or erythema was produced upon doing the Draize test for skin irritation. newlineDiscussion: Film forming systems will provide a better platform for topical drug delivery against variou
Pagination: -
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Pharmacy

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