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Title: A Study On The Role And Relevance Of Credit Rating Agencies CRAS In The Aftermath Of Global Financial Crisis
Researcher: Komaljeet Bakshi
Guide(s): Mohd Sarwar Rahman
Keywords: Business Finance
Economics and Business
Social Sciences
University: Glocal University
Completed Date: 2024
Abstract: newline Emerging markets and developing economies face one of the central issues namely strengthening of financial systems. This is due to the reason that sound financial systems serve as an important channel for the achievement of economic growth through the mobilization of financial savings, putting them to productive use and transferring various risks. Many countries adopted a series of financial sector liberalization measures in the late 1980s and early 1990s that included interest rate liberalization, entry deregulations, reduction of reserve requirements and removal of credit allocation. In many cases, the timing of financial sector liberalization coincided with that of capital account liberalization. Domestic banks were given access to cheap loans from abroad and allocated those resources to domestic production sectors. Since the Asian financial crisis of 1997-1999, the importance of balancing financial liberalization with adequate regulation and supervision prior to full capital account liberalization has been increasingly recognized. The crisis was preceded by massive, unhedged short term capital inflows, which then aggravated double newline newlinemismatches and undermined the soundness of the domestic financial sector. A maturity mismatch is generally inherent in the banking sector since commercial banks accept short-term deposits and convert them into relatively longer-term, often illiquid, assets. Nevertheless, massive, predominantly short-term capital inflows- largely in the form of inter-bank loans-shortened banks liabilities thus expanding the maturity mismatch. newline
Appears in Departments:Glocal School of Business and Commerce

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