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Title: A Study on Impact of Consumers Post Purchase Usefulness on Experience and Loyalty for Online Food Delivery Applications
Researcher: Mehta, Nishi
Guide(s): Sagra, Hastimal
Keywords: Consumers
Experience and Loyalty
Online Food Delivery Applications
Post Purchase
University: GLS University
Completed Date: 2024
Abstract: The phrase food tech has evolved its meaning as the years passed, few decades ago, it was newlinereferred to as food processing and the technology used for the manufacturing of food newlineproducts, however, in the present times, it pertains to the online food ordering and delivery newlineservices market. Significant funding and investments in this market is seen in recent years newlineas a result companies can provide proper online food delivery services that have never been newlineseen before, (India Online Food Delivery Market 2018-2023, 2018). newlineToday, many businesses are setting up online stores due to the availability of technology and newlineacceptance of the people. Other factors that play an important role in development of online newlinebusiness are cheap smartphones, lower cost of internet, free mobile applications, etc. Major newlineadvantage of online food ordering is it reduces the load on both the ends i.e., customer and newlineseller. Customers can take as much time as they want to explore the menu without any newlinepressure of ordering hastily. newline newline
Appears in Departments:Department of Commerce

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