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Title: Effectiveness of combined excercise protocol in sedentary workers with cronic non specific low back pain
Researcher: S Swathi
Guide(s): P Senthil
Keywords: Clinical Medicine
Clinical Pre Clinical and Health
Public Environmental and Occupational Health
University: Chettinad Academy of Research and Education
Completed Date: 2024
Abstract: Background: Most of the low back pain cases are Nonspecific and do not have any newlinepathoanatomical cause. It affects people of all ages, whereas the working-age and middle-aged newlinepopulation who are engaged in sedentary work are more prone to lower back pain due to their newlinesedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity. Exercise plays an important role in reducing newlinepain, disability and the quality of life of individuals with chronic low back pain but there is newlinelow-quality evidence that which specific mode of exercise training is effective. Hence this newlinestudy focuses on finding the effectiveness of a Combined exercise protocol which is a newlinecombination of flexibility, strengthening and aerobic exercises. newlineMethodology: This study involved structuring of an exercise protocol and implementing the newlineexercise protocol in sedentary workers with non-specific chronic low back pain after content newlinevalidation. The effectiveness of the exercise protocol was found by using the following newlineoutcome measures as primary outcome measures Pain (NPRS SCALE), Disability (ODI), and newlineQuality of life (SF-36). Secondary outcome measures wells flexibility Test, Muscle newlinefunctioning, aerobic capacity(6MWT), and Central Sensitisation symptoms (CSI). newlineResults: Data was Analysed by using both descriptive and inferential statistics. NPRS, ODI, newlineSTR, PBFU-TA, PBFU-MF, and CSI, were found to be normally distributed by the newlineKolmogorov-Smirnov test at P gt 0.05. Hence, the parametric test was used. To determine the newlinestatistical difference between the groups and within the group, the student t-test and repeated newlinemeasurements of ANOVA were employed. The 6MWT (significance 0.028) and the SF-36 all newlinedomains (significance 0.00) data were not normally distributed. A non-parametric test was newlinechosen as a result. The Friedman ANOVA test and the Mann-Whitney U test were employed. newlineBoth groups had a noteworthy decrease in pain, disability, and quality of life within the group; newlinehowever, upon comparison, the experimental group showed a better improvement than the newlinecontrol group. newlineConclusion: The 12-week Combined exercise control group could be proposed as a newlinecomprehensive approach for the reduction in pain, disability and quality of life in subjects with newlineChronic nonspecific low back pain. newline
Appears in Departments:Department of Physiotherapy FOM

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