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Title: Synthesis and optical properties of certain hydroxyapatite based materials
Researcher: Kabilan N
Guide(s): Chinnakali K
Keywords: Amino Acids
Carbonated Hydroxyapatite
Hydroxyapatite Materials
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2024
Abstract: Currently, nonlinear optical phenomenon has been gaining much newlinesignificance due to its application in various modern technological systems newlinesuch as electro-optics, optical switching, telecommunication and photonic newlinedevices. Generally, organic materials especially amino acids have been newlineutilized as nonlinear optical candidates in third-order nonlinear optical newlinesystems and are given importance in the development of optoelectronic newlinedevices. Organic materials are considered to be important materials in newlinenonlinear optics due to the ease fabrication of devices, cost effective and rapid newlinenonlinear optical response. Though the organic materials have these newlineadvantages they severely lack in thermal stability and mechanical strength. newlineHence it is necessary to look for suitable inorganic counterparts which newlineovercome these problems. It is well-known that inorganic calcium phosphate newlinematerials such as hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphates typically display newlinehigh thermal stability, superior electrical properties and high elastic modulus. newlineBased on this, the thesis work is focused on the synthesis and optical newlineproperties of hydroxyapatite, tricalcium phosphate, chlorapatite, fluorapatite newlineand carbonated hydroxyapatite materials. newlineChapter 1 covers a brief introduction about nonlinear optics, the newlineimportance of third order nonlinear optical properties and their potential newlineapplications in integrated optoelectronic and photonic devices. The newlineimportance of certain calcium phosphates such as hydroxyapatite, tricalcium newlinephosphate and substituted hydroxyapatite materials are briefly discussed. newline
Pagination: p.124-141
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Science and Humanities

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