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Title: Luminescent metal organic frameworks as versatile scaffolds for sensing environmental contaminants
Researcher: Ajay Kumar
Guide(s): Kataria, Ramesh
Keywords: Explosive compounds
Fluorescence sensing
Heavy metal ions
Luminescent MOFs
ROS RNS species
University: Panjab University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: This Ph.D. thesis addresses the pressing issue of environmental contamination, focusing on the synthesis of luminescent Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) as innovative solutions for pollutants detection and remediation. The research involves synthesis and characterizations of six distinct luminescent MOFs with applications in sensing of environmental contaminants. PUC1, a 3D framework, a highly sensitive and selective in detecting organic explosives with fingerprints. PUC2 emerges as a non-toxic, selective probe for Nitric Oxide detection in both environmental samples and living cells, offering insights for infection control. PUC3 and PUC4, novel superamolecular compounds, act as sensitive probes for ascorbic acid detection, showcasing isomerism induced by solvent effects. PUC7, a luminescent MOF, demonstrates exceptional selectivity and sensitivity in detecting and removing heavy metal ions from water. Lastly, an interlinked hybrid composite (Zn-MOFatCOF) efficiently detects and removes Cu(II) ions and methylene blue from water. This thesis significantly contributes to environmental research and materials science, providing novel strategies for contaminantion detection and remediation. newline
Pagination: xxv, 209p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Chemistry

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