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dc.coverage.spatialDevelopment and analysis of fluorescent dyes loaded cost effective large size plastic scintillators for high energy radiation detection applications
dc.description.abstractnewline The development of versatile and efficient radiation detectors is an newlineimportant concern for the recent world. The unique combination of high newlinedetection efficiency, fast response time, wide energy range, ease of newlinemanipulation and cost-effectiveness makes plastic scintillators (PSs) a popular newlinechoice for high-energy radiation detection, for applications such as newlinenuclear medicine, environmental monitoring and radiation therapy. newlineThe present thesis is split down into seven chapters and focuses on newlineproducing large-size, high-quality, bubble-free, optically transparent, newlinescintillation-efficient and low-cost polystyrene (PSt) and polyvinyltoluene newline(PVT)-based plastic scintillators (PSs) loaded with various fluorescent newlineChapter 1 commences by describing the interaction between matter newlineand ionizing radiation. An introduction to scintillators, including their newlinecharacteristics, classification, and utilization in scintillation detectors is also newlineexplained. The chapter offers a brief discussion on inorganic scintillators and newlinetheir organic counterparts and covers their scintillation mechanisms. Plastic newlinescintillators are discussed in detail, including their method of synthesis, newlineadvantages over other types of scintillators, and applications. Additionally, newlinethe chapter delves into the polymer matrix and fluorescent dopants used, newlinescintillation efficiency, neutron and gamma pulse shape discrimination (PSD), newlineradiation damage and recovery. newlineChapter 2 describes the synthesis of polystyrene (PSt)-based newlineplastic scintillator doped with 2,5-diphenyloxazole (PPO) and newline1,4-bis[2-(phenyloxazolyl)]-benzene (POPOP) with large dimensions of newline4.5 cm in diameter and 2.5 cm in length using a thermal polymerization process newlineiv newlineat 120 °C. The influence of these additives on the scintillation detection newlineefficiency was analyzed. High optical transmittance of 90% in the visible range newlinewas evident from the UV-Vis-NIR spectrum, marking good optical quality. newlineFT-IR spectroscopy was used to examine the bond structure of the synthesized newlinescintillator.
dc.titleDevelopment and analysis of fluorescent dyes loaded cost effective large size plastic scintillators for high energy radiation detection applications
dc.creator.researcherLizbeth Alex
dc.subject.keywordArts and Humanities
dc.subject.keywordArts and Recreation
dc.subject.keywordHumanities Multidisciplinary
dc.contributor.guideRajesh P
dc.publisher.universityAnna University
dc.publisher.institutionFaculty of Science and Humanities
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Science and Humanities

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