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Title: Internet folklore and Online Mediated indentity A Netnography study on Nyishi community of Arunachal Pradesh India
Researcher: Deepika.
Guide(s): Thirumal, P.
Keywords: Communication
Social Sciences
Social Sciences General
University: University of Hyderabad
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: INTERNET FOLKLORE AND newlineONLINE MEDIATED IDENTITY: newlineA Netnography study on Nyishi newlineCommunity of Arunachal Pradesh, India newlineABSTRACT newlineThis research critically examines the newlineinterplay between folklore, internet, and newlineonline mediated identity within the Nyishi newlinecommunity of Arunachal Pradesh, newlineemploying a Netnography approach. It newlineaims to explore how the Nyishi newlinecommunity engages with their indigenous newlineidentity in the digital realm, producing newlinenew ethnic identity online. newlineThe research findings enhance our newlineunderstanding of how internet folklore newlineand online-mediated identities influence newlinethe social dynamics and cultural newlinepreservation of the Nyishi community, newlineand foregrounds the cultural and political newlineshift that occurred due to social media newline
Pagination: 197p
Appears in Departments:Department of Communication

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