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Title: Certain investigation on energy efficient and load balanced effective congestion aware mobility management protocols for mobile iot
Researcher: Diniesh V C
Guide(s): Murugesan G
Keywords: Engineering
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Electrical and Electronic
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2024
Abstract: Mobile Internet of Things (MIoT) has the potential to play a vital role newlinein the future of the Internet of Things (IoT). MIoT is a Wireless Sensor newlineNetwork (WSNs) that consists of static as well as mobile nodes that can move newlinearound and collect data in a multihop environment. MIoT applications have newlinethe potential to transform various entities, including smart cities, healthcare, newlinehabitat monitoring, logistics, and transportation. According to a statistics newlinereport, the numbers of MIoT connections are expected to forecast from 1.3 newlinebillion in 2020 to 5.8 billion by 2026, with a cumulative annual growth rate of newline25%. However, there are still an abundance of challenging research problems newlineexists for improvement and specification, specifically under node mobility newlinethat occurs in real-world circumstances. The main goal of this research is to newlinedesign an energy-efficient, load-balanced, and congestion-aware newlinecommunication protocol for MIoT in order to transmit and receive packets in newlinean efficient way with better packet reception, minimum latency, and less newlinepower consumption in static and mobility environments. To achieve this, newlinefocus are given in design of communication protocols both in medium access newlinecontrol (MAC) and Network Layer protocol architectures. newline
Pagination: xx,136p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Electrical Engineering

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