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Title: Blockchain enabled federated learning and novel cryptography techniques based architecture for securing iot applications
Researcher: Sundareswaran N
Guide(s): Sasirekha S
Keywords: Computer Science
Computer Science Information Systems
Engineering and Technology
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2024
Abstract: newlineThe Internet of Things (IoT) is progressing rapidly, transforming newlinethe way people interact with the world through improved connectivity and newlinereliability. This has led to the emergence of many innovative applications and newlineuse cases, such as self-driving cars and smart cities. With the integration of newlineArtificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies, IoT newlinedevices can now perceive and adapt to their environment, enhancing their newlineefficiency and efficacy. The IoT offers a wide array of applications across newlinemultiple industries and domains, including but not limited to smart homes, newlinehealthcare, industrial automation, environmental monitoring, transportation, newlineagriculture, smart cities, and beyond. These diverse and widespread newlineapplications have the potential to significantly impact various organizations newlineand domains. Nevertheless, as the number of connected devices surges, newlinesecurity has become a primary concern. For instance, IoT devices typically newlineconnect to networks that are not equipped to handle their large number or newlinediverse functions, potentially leading to security vulnerabilities like denial-ofservice newlineattacks or malware infections. Additionally, many IoT devices are newlinesituated in remote locations, where they may be susceptible to physical attacks, newlinetheft, or tampering. These security concerns associated with the IoT network newlinehave motivated researches to investigate security measures and technologies that newlinecan protect IoT systems.
Pagination: xvii,165p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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