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dc.description.abstractDeep Neural Networks (DNNs) have achieved remarkable success across various machine learning and computer vision tasks, especially when abundant training samples are available. In Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) research, it has been established that a model s generalization capability improves with the combination of complex architectures, strong regularization, domain- specific loss functions, and extensive databases. However, training DNNs in environments with limited data remains a significant challenge, calling for attention from the research community. Many applications lack the requisite volume of data needed to train models effectively. Data constraint in this context is influenced by factors such as 1) a scarcity of domain experts, 2) long-tail distribution in large datasets, 3) insufficient domain-specific data, and 4) the challenge of mimicking human cognition and learning. The issues above are common challenges encountered while designing deep models, underscoring the importance of addressing Data Constrained Learning (DCL). This thesis investigates the formulation of deep learning strategies explicitly tailored for scenarios with DCL. The objective is to ensure that the training of numerous parameters does not adversely affect the model s ability to learn meaningful patterns, as this could elevate the risk of overfitting and result in suboptimal generalization performance. To address the DCL challenge, we introduce a novel strength parameter in deep learning named SSF-CNN, which concentrates on learning both the quotstructurequot and quotstrengthquot of filters. The filter structure is initialized using a dictionary-based filter learning algorithm, while the strength is learned under data-constrained settings. This architecture demonstrates adaptability, delivering robust performance even when used with small databases and consistently attaining high accuracy. We validate the effectiveness of our algorithm on databases such as MNIST, CIFAR10, and NORB, with varying training sample sizes. The results indicate
dc.format.extent168 p.
dc.titleData constrained deep learning
dc.creator.researcherKeshari, Rohit
dc.subject.keywordComputer Science
dc.subject.keywordComputer Science Artificial Intelligence
dc.subject.keywordEngineering and Technology
dc.contributor.guideSingh, Richa and Vatsa, Mayank
dc.publisher.universityIndraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi (IIIT-Delhi)
dc.publisher.institutionComputer Science and Engineering
dc.format.dimensions29 cm.
Appears in Departments:Department of Computer Science and Engineering

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