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Title: Performance Optimization of Microgrids with Power Management
Researcher: HARISH KUMAR
Guide(s): Mukh Raj Yadav
Keywords: Engineering
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Electrical and Electronic
University: Nims University Rajasthan
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: 1 newlineABSTRACT newlineMicrogrids serve as a vital solution for the successful implementation of Smart Grid newlinesystems, facilitating the seamless integration of renewable and distributed energy newlineresources. Considerable efforts have been undertaken to develop demonstration newlineprojects and explore effective energy management strategies in order to enhance the newlineperformance of renewable resources with intermittent features and promote newlineresponsible citizenship. In contemporary literature, the hierarchical structure with newlineeither three or two layers has emerged as the prevailing traditional control structure. newlineIn typical practice, a central controller is employed to uphold the equilibrium of newlinefrequency and voltage, whereas a local controller facilitates equitable distribution of newlinepower among diverse energy supplies. A microgrid refers to a collection of newlinedecentralized power generators, such as wind turbines, solar systems, thermal units, newlineand microhydropower plants, along with controlled or uncontrollable demands. These newlinecomponents operate at voltage levels that are relatively low or medium. Storage units newlineand electric vehicles (EVs) have the potential to be included as components inside the newlineclusters. The microgrid has the capability to function either in a grid-connected mode newlineor in an islanded mode, with the functioning of the system being overseen by a newlinesupervisory control system. In the context of grid connectivity, the supervisory newlinecontrol system assumes responsibility for many tasks. These include overseeing the newlinesynchronization of the microgrid with the main grid, responding to any disruptions or newlinefailures The primary purpose of this EMS is to monitor and analyze various data, newlineincluding environmental conditions, electrical parameters, and operational factors. newlineAdditionally, the EMS aims to forecast the generation capacity, load profiles, newlineconsumer behavior, and energy market dynamics. Furthermore, it seeks to optimize newlinethe energy distribution among distributed generators and loads, with objectives such newlineas minimizing operation
Appears in Departments:Department of Electrical Engineering

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