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Title: Security improvisation of MAC layer In mobile ad hoc networks
Researcher: Kalaiarasi R
Guide(s): Sridharan D
Keywords: Carrier Sense Multiple Access
Medium Access Protocols
Short Distributed Inter Frame Space
Upload Date: 21-Oct-2015
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/02/2014
Abstract: newlineMobile Ad hoc Networks are gaining great popularity and getting newlinedeployed all over the world due to its dynamic nature and ease of implement newlinewithout any base station One of the most popular MAC protocols in wireless newlinelocal area networks is the Carrier Sense Multiple Access CSMA for newlinescheduling the network access Wireless Medium Access Protocols MAC newlinesuch as IEEE 802 11 use distributed contention resolution mechanisms for newlinesharing the wireless channel The wireless networks are easily vulnerable to newlineattack and impose additional constraints on the design of communication newlineprotocols due to lack of central management Certain participants would try to newlineexploit the autonomous nature to obtain more gain such as higher throughput newlineand bandwidth than the well behaved nodes This gain is always achieved at newlinethe expense of well behaved participants that hold on to the communication newlinerules newlineMalicious node does not follow the IEEE 802 11 MAC protocol newlineRules Instead they disobey by selecting either a smaller backoff value or by newlinechoosing Short Distributed Inter Frame Space S DIFS where it does not newlinedouble the backoff value after collision newline newline
Pagination: xx, 139p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Science and Humanities

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